7 Fun Facts About Braces – Just For Fun All About Braces!

What are some fun facts about braces – all about braces?

Braces are a pretty simple process. First, you get them put on by an orthodontist, wear them, and take them off. You may even wear your retainer after that. Many people have had braces, so you probably know someone who has them or who wears their retainer now. You may even have them yourself. There are many interesting facts about braces that you might not know!

Here are some fun facts about braces that you may not know:

1. Braces Are Almost 300 Years Old

French physician Pierre Fauchard invented the modern-day mouth brace in 1728. He used a flat piece of metal attached to the teeth by thread, which was held by a bar on top of the mouth. In 1915, Edward Angle made some advances with braces that is still used today. He designed brackets that were more comfortable and easier to use than those created 200 years prior.

2. They Originated in Egypt – We Believe

The desire for straight teeth can be traced back all the way to Ancient Egypt! Some mummies were actually found with makeshift “braces”. Archaeologists believe that the animal intestines wrapped around mummies’ teeth were similar to modern-day braces and that they were an attempt to straighten crooked teeth.

3. Ten Different Types of Braces Exist

At first glance, you may think that all braces are the same. However, they vary from one another and can be differentiated by their characteristics and how they’re used. You and your orthodontist evaluate what kind of braces are best for you. For people who don’t want their braces to be visible, Invisalign is a great option. For some, mini braces or porcelain braces are better suited.

4. One in Four Million People Have Braces Right Now

The American Association of Orthodontics states that 4 million people are currently wearing braces. About 1 million orthodontic patients are over the age of 18. Braces are popular for a reason—they’re effective at straightening teeth and making them look nicer.

5. NASA Invented the Wire Used for Braces

In the 20th century, Dr. Angle developed a system of braces that used less metal and rubber bands. Although this was innovative, the materials were also expensive. The field of orthodontics hit it big time when NASA developed a new material called nickel-titanium in 1959. This heat-resistant metal was perfect for making thin, flexible wires that could maintain their shape on a wearer’s teeth.

6. Time and Pressure are The Keys to Success

Every tooth has a nerve at its core, known as pulp. If your teeth were realigned too quickly, the process would cut off the blood supply. Instead, teeth are adjusted with slow steady pressure so that the pulp continues to move with the tooth, supplying it with the blood and nutrition it needs.

7. Your Orthodontist is Also a Dentist

Remember when you learned in grade school that “all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares”? This is similar because an orthodontist is actually a dentist who specializes in the prevention and treatment of malocclusions and other teeth irregularities. Orthodontists go to dental school and then complete an additional two to three years in their residency programs specializing in the orthodontic sector.

Facts About Braces – All About Braces Conclusion

If you have braces, make sure to keep up on your recurring appointments. If you don’t have braces but are considering them, we can come up with the best treatment plan for you. simply schedule a free consultation with our team of professionals and we’ll get you started.