Cookies For Courage Outstanding Ortho 2024 2 E1737646576850

*Terms & Conditions

Please call our office to reserve a time for your visit. For troops who visit us with 5 or more members in uniform, we will buy a maximum of 2 cases per troop number. Please bring your cookies at the time of your visit. For troops with fewer than 5 members, we encourage you to join up with another small troop or Juliette!

Dr. Berkman and Dr. Shapiro are so excited to meet all the wonderful Girl Scouts! This is a perfect opportunity to take a picture with the Doctors and promote your troop on social media!

(Did you know Dr. Shapiro used to be a Girl Scout?!)

Please reach out via phone at 248.360.7878 to reserve your visit or email us at with any questions.

Program ends at 5:00pm March 27th, 2025